Tantric Astrology

Walter Baroffio

Vedic Astrologer


Walter or Bhaskar made the most of his spiritual aspirations while traveling through Asia, Italy and Spain, and after an extended sojourn in India, where he learned the benefits of Ayurveda, Panchakarma, and the skills of Abyangam massage, Vaidya Joythimayananda became his first Guru at the age of 28.

The art of touch is a deep healing massage program based on the Ayurvedic principle of the Tridosha. In Thailand, Bhaskar used to teach “the art of touch.”

In the north of India, He finds refuge in the caves of the Himalayas, where he participates in various Vedic fire ceremonies and learns how to chant mantras and Aartis.

Vinyasa Yoga became a part of his life when he met a young Indian Yogi in Rishikesh.



Between India and Thailand, he also had the opportunity to study metaphysics, parapsychology, the art of dying, Kundalini Yoga, and Hatha Yoga and Tantra.

At a difficult time in his life, Bhaskar approaches the Toltec Path of Recapitulation, and Vedic astrology has become a fantastic support for his day-to-day life.

Today Bhaskar is proposing Tantric Astrology retreat, an innovative way that superimpose Vedic Astrology, Tantra and the yogic Chakra system.

A program that helps people get back on track with their lives, health and well-being, understanding the law of life under authentic teaching.


Bhaskar is a facilitator of Ayurvedic Abyangam massage, the art of touch.

You can see my testimonial.
It was during the initial step to India in the year 1998 that I received an unexpected present of life, and I am still grateful today for it.
The first time I came across Ayurvedic massage was in Goa, where I met an Indian man named Ravi from the southern city of Madras. Ravi’s technique was very specific and used a mix of soft and deep pressure points along the body. Not only did he give me massage instructions, but he also showed great passion, enthusiasm, and the ability to feel peoples bodies.
In Hampi, a small village on the banks of the River Tungabhadra in the state of Karnataka, I met Meenakshi. I remember this young Indian woman teaching me massage. She would use a stick to bring my attention to the treatment every time I was distracted.
Meenakshi imparted knowledge from her heart, which is the best gift.
Finally, in Genova, Swami Joytimayananda introduces me to the wonderful world of Ayurvedic Abyangam massage, which combines Vata, Pita, and Kapha massage according to people’s Prakruti.
Not only that, I also learn Ayurveda, Panchakarma, and Yoga with him.



Yoga saved my hips and pelvic.
Sthira Sukham Asanam
Since I remember consciously, my lower back has always been painful for me. At the age of 20, my profession was very physically demanding, and I was playing football at a semi-professional level. My body started to go into a chronic pain.
A bone e-ray diagnosed me with leg length discrepancies, and L5 and sacrum were welded together since birth, respectively.
At the age of 30, a friend of mine noticed that I was walking limping.
My body was able to improve and re-establish itself by attending different Yoga TTC and Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa classes. Today, at the age of 52, yoga is my daily breath.
Vedic Astrology readings show clearly the negative impact on my lower back by the position of a debilitated retrograde Saturn in my 8th house, the house of undetectable and/or chronic diseases.


Shadow work, Shamanic recapitulation

The Toltec Path of Recapitulation:

The Vasanas or Samaskaras, the prints and impressions from childhood or past lives, are powerful forces that are hidden in our psyche.
These impressions are held back to return to the conscious level of the mind, influencing our daily actions.

Melancholia or nostalgia are covered by many different states of emotions, so it is advised not to look into the past from a nostalgic mood, but from a healing perspective.
Nostalgia is a distraction for the Yogi, it deflects him from his daily spiritual practice, so the recapitulation of the yore is not performed in a state of attachment, entanglement, guilt or infatuation.

One of the major key word in recapitulation is “surrender” …to your own ego…

How to practice?
Hug your shadow, embrace your fears, detect your traumas, face your pride, and by the sweeping breath, it is doable to re-program the 5 koshas.

The power of self suggestion:

Raja Yoga aims to replace unconscious thoughts, which are often corrupted, with powerful, significant, and constructive self-empowering beliefs. With the appropriate concentration of the mind, we want to redirect the vital life force towards a fulfilling life and spiritual aspiration.

Where Prana flows, whatever you’re focusing on grows.